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  4. DELCO Pneumatic Double Flange Cast Iron Butterfly Valves-DK67-FB

DELCO Pneumatic Double Flange Cast Iron Butterfly Valves-DK67-FB

The DELCO DK67-FB pneumatic butterfly valve is a versatile solution for industrial applications. It operates in a double-acting standard control mode, with a single-acting option also available. The valve body is constructed from either cast iron or ductile iron, with optional 304 or 316 stainless steel material. It operates within an input air pressure range of 2.5 to 8 bar and features a minimum 2-inch flanged connection. The default NBR seat ensures compatibility with most air, water, light oil, fuels, solvents, alcohol, and many acids. Additionally, EPDM or PTFE seat options are available for specific application requirements.

DELCO manufactures wafer type, lugged type, and flanged pneumatic actuator butterfly valves. We welcome inquiries and are available for consultation to help you find the right valve for your needs.

模型: DK67-FB

尺寸範圍: 2″ to 20″

壓力範圍: 1.0至6.4MPa

材料: 鑄鐵、鑄鋼、球墨鑄鐵、不鏽鋼 304/316

What Is Double Flange Pneumatic Actuator Butterfly Valve?

The DELCO Air Actuated Butterfly Valve boasts a sophisticated double flange design, ensuring robustness and stability in industrial operations. Available with a choice between a spring return failsafe or double-acting air actuator, this valve offers versatility to suit various application requirements. Whether for controlling water or other compatible media, this valve is engineered to deliver precise on-off control with optimal performance.

In addition to our premium valve offerings, we provide a comprehensive catalog of flange-type butterfly valves. This catalog includes detailed installation instructions, precise flange dimensions, and torque charts, providing essential information for seamless integration into your system. By simply clicking the download button above, you gain access to this invaluable resource, empowering you with the knowledge needed to optimize your valve installation and operation.

At DELCO, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to provide solutions that exceed expectations. With our commitment to quality, reliability, and customer support, you can trust DELCO for all your butterfly valve needs. Experience the difference with DELCO’s Air Actuated Butterfly Valve and unlock unparalleled performance and efficiency in your operations.

Flange Butterfly Valves


光碟材質 供氣壓力 適用標準 連接埠尺寸 工作壓力 閥體材質: 密封材料
SS304, 316, 316L 2.5 至 8 Bar GB, ANSI, JIS, DIN 2″-20″ 1.6~6.4 MPA Cast Iron, SS, WCB NBR, EPDM, PTFE, etc.
演員模特兒 認證 配件 端部連接 媒體 工作溫度 結構
雙作用/彈簧復位 ISO 9001、CE、TUV、SGS Positioner,Limit Switch,F.R.L 法蘭 水、油、空氣、氣體等。 -30°C to 180°C 中線結構/A型

The Butterfly Valves offer several notable features:

  • Long Service Life: Designed for durability and reliability in industrial applications.
  • Eco-Friendly: Manufactured with materials and processes that prioritize environmental sustainability.
  • Easy Installation: Simple and straightforward installation process, minimizing downtime.
  • Actuator Options: Choose between a spring return (single acting) or double-acting actuator to suit your specific needs.
  • Install/Remove Without Disrupting Pipe System: Allows for easy maintenance and repair without the need for pipe dislocation.
  • Flow Throttling Capability: Provides the ability to adjust flow rates as needed.
  • Suitable for Large Diameters: Available in sizes suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.
  • Quarter-Turn Rotation: Offers efficient and quick operation with quarter-turn rotation.
  • Applicable Standards: Conforms to GB, ANSI, JIS, and DIN standards for quality and performance.
  • Connection Type: Flange end connection for secure and reliable installation.
  • Suitable Medium: Compatible with water, oil, air, gas, and other media.

Trust DELCO for high-quality butterfly valves that meet your industrial needs with reliability, efficiency, and ease of use.


Pneumatic actuator
Pneumatic actuators

氣源處理器:  氣動三聯件是氣動閥門的重要配件,具有過濾、減壓、潤滑等功能。減壓閥利用介質的能量,將入口壓力調節到穩定的出口壓力。在兩件式組件中,它與用於壓縮儀表空氣過濾的過濾器耦合。在三件式配置中,它為空氣增加潤滑作用,確保高效運作。

氣動電磁閥:  氣動電磁閥又稱為方向控制閥,是調節氣動閥門開啟與關閉的重要元件。它透過磁化和消磁發揮作用,根據電壓訊號引導氣體流動。這些閥門通常用於管理氣源和電路流量,透過電壓訊號對閥門操作進行精確控制。

限位開關:  閥門限位開關,又稱為行程開關,是自動控制系統中關鍵的現場儀表。它檢測閥門的狀態並輸出開啟或關閉位置的訊號。此開關對於程式設計師確認和執行後續程序至關重要。此外,它也是系統內閥門連鎖保護和遠端警報指示的重要組成部分。有效指示並回饋機械設備的運動極限位置。

閥門定位器:  閥門定位器是氣動控制閥的關鍵部件,能夠精確控制閥門的定位。它利用閥桿位移訊號作為輸入回饋,並利用控制器輸出訊號作為控制訊號。透過比較這些訊號,任何偏差都會觸發致動器輸出訊號的調整,確保閥桿位移和控制器輸出之間直接對應。

手動裝置:  手動裝置是補充氣動執行器組件的重要組件。它有助於實現 90° 開啟的蝶閥和球閥的手動或氣動操作。此機制對於確保閥門操作的多功能性和靈活性至關重要,允許根據需要進行手動和自動控制。










    在 DELCO,我們相信總是能為每位客戶提供更好的閥門解決方案。我們對此充滿熱情,我們的使命是製造和供應一系列創新的控制閥和壓力調節器,並提供全球服務支持,從而保證在最短的交貨時間內出現零缺陷。


    DELCO 業務範圍廣泛,產品出口至 46 個國家。這樣我們就對市場有了完整的了解。歡迎成為我們的長期業務夥伴。可靠的控制閥和自力式壓力調節器製造商



    20 多年來,DELCO Valves 一直致力於為客戶提供高品質的閥門。

    DELCO 總是圍繞著一件事:100% 客戶滿意度。我們致力於持續改善日常營運的各個方面。我們的使命,加上以最高品質標準生產的產品線,繼續使我們在競爭中脫穎而出。在 Powell,我們所有的設施都通過了 ISO 9001「全球品質」認證。


