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  4. 手動襯氟法蘭球閥帶手柄


The fluorine-lined ball valve boasts exceptional chemical stability and a compact, well-designed structure. With a full-bore, floating ball design, the valve minimizes internal cavity space, reducing medium retention and maximizing flow. This facilitates pipeline system pigging, cleaning, and maintenance. The specialized molding process ensures a dense and reliable sealing surface, further enhanced by the chevron-shaped PTFE packing, achieving zero leakage. The robust, high-strength blowout-proof stem limits lag phenomena, ensuring reliable operation.

The durable, corrosion-resistant PTFE valve seat is designed for zero leakage and low-torque isolation. Metal-to-metal body joints protect the locked liner from external damage, and the anti-static grounding device prevents static buildup. The manual fluorine-lined ball valve is suitable for transporting liquids and gases (including steam) in various industrial pipelines and performs well in highly corrosive media such as acids and salts.

Model: Fluorine Lined Flange Ball Valve
尺寸範圍:1/2″ 至 16″
Material : Cast Steel


  • Compact design: The compact and efficient design minimizes medium retention within the valve body cavity.
  • Durable Valve Seat: The durable, corrosion-resistant PTFE valve seat is designed for zero leakage and low-torque isolation.
  • Excellent Corrosion Resistance: The valve maintains stable performance in highly corrosive media such as acids, alkalis, and salts.
  • Floating Ball Structure: The valve features a floating ball structure that achieves zero leakage shutoff across the entire pressure range, facilitating pipeline cleaning and maintenance.
  • Sealing Technology : A special molding process ensures a dense sealing surface. Combined with PTFE packing, the valve achieves zero leakage.
  • Enhanced Durability: The compact and efficient design, combined with advanced sealing technology, reduces medium retention and enhances durability and reliability.
Solenoid Valves


連接埠尺寸:  1/2″ 至 16″ 材料: Cast Iron, Cast Steel, WCB or Stainless Steel
壓力: 1.6至6.4MPa 端部連接:  法蘭
保固單: 12 隻飛蛾 工作溫度: PTFE≤180℃,金屬閥座≤350℃
壓力等級: 300LB(150LB 和 600LB 可選) 適用介質 Air, Inert Gas, Oil, Seawater, Water, and other media.


In the chemical industry, these valves are used to handle corrosive chemicals and ensure the reliability of pipeline operations. They play a critical role in the transportation, mixing, and reaction of chemicals, and are designed to resist harsh environments including acids, alkalis, and salts.
2. Pharmaceutical Industry
In the pharmaceutical industry, these valves are ideal for applications requiring high purity and reliable isolation. They are used in the drug production process to ensure sterility, purity, and precise control of conditions to prevent contamination.
In the food processing industry, manual fluorine-lined flanged ball valves are employed for handling food and beverage products. They are suitable for environments that demand hygienic conditions and resistance to aggressive cleaning agents.
In the environmental protection industry, these valves are used for wastewater management, pollutant treatment, and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. They are essential for effective pollution control and environmental protection efforts.










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