技術理論: 技術的…実践的…興味深い自動化産業ソリューション

DELCO valves

DELCO では、顧客満足の重要性を理解し、すべてのクライアントの独自のニーズを満たすよう努めています。信頼できるバルブ サプライヤーとして、当社は優れた顧客サービスと高品質の製品を提供し、最適なパフォーマンスと長寿命を確保することに尽力しています。信頼できる制御空気サプライヤーとして DELCO を選択すると、要件に合わせて特別に設計されたカスタマイズされたバルブ アセンブリのメリットが得られ、効率が向上し、ダウンタイムが短縮されます。


In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial safety, the significance of explosion-proof electric valves has never been more pronounced. With the recent surge in global conflicts and the inherent risks of operating in hazardous environments, these robust devices are not only pivotal for the safety of operations but also for maintaining efficiency under extreme conditions. This article explores the critical role of explosion-proof electric valves, their functionality, and why they are indispensable in today’s industries.

Explosion-Proof Electric Flange Ball Valve
Explosion-Proof Electric Flange Ball Valve

Enhancing Safety in Hazardous Environments

Industries such as oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, and mining operate in environments where flammable gases, vapors, and dust are prevalent. In these settings, the risk of explosions is significantly high. Explosion-proof electric valves are engineered to contain and isolate any ignition sources, preventing catastrophic accidents and ensuring the safety of both personnel and infrastructure.

Meeting Regulatory Standards

Strict safety regulations mandate the use of explosion-proof equipment in hazardous areas. Compliance with standards set by organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and ATEX (from the European Union) is crucial. Explosion-proof electric valves help companies adhere to these regulations, avoiding hefty fines and potential shutdowns.

Boosting Operational Efficiency

Beyond safety, explosion-proof electric valves contribute significantly to operational efficiency. Their robust design ensures reliable performance under extreme conditions, reducing downtime caused by equipment failure. This reliability is essential for industries where uninterrupted operations are critical to financial performance.

How Explosion-Proof Electric Valves Function

Robust Design and Construction

Explosion-proof electric valves are crafted to withstand internal explosions without igniting the surrounding atmosphere. Typically made from durable materials such as stainless steel or aluminum, these valves feature flame-proof enclosures that contain any sparks or flames.

Electrical Isolation

These valves incorporate components that isolate electrical circuits from hazardous environments. The wiring and connections are sealed, and actuators are designed to operate without generating sparks. This isolation is key to preventing the ignition of flammable substances.

Advanced Monitoring and Control

Modern explosion-proof electric valves are equipped with sophisticated monitoring systems that provide real-time data on valve performance, including position, pressure, and temperature. Remote monitoring and control capabilities allow for immediate response to any anomalies, enhancing both safety and efficiency.

Applications of Explosion-Proof Electric Valves


The oil and gas sector faces a high risk of explosions due to the nature of the substances handled. Explosion-proof electric valves are extensively used in drilling rigs, refineries, and pipelines to control the flow of these hazardous substances safely.

Chemical Manufacturing

In chemical plants, the handling of reactive and flammable chemicals necessitates the use of explosion-proof electric valves. These valves ensure safe operations by preventing the ignition of volatile chemicals, thus safeguarding the facility and its workers.

Mining Industry

Mining operations often involve the use of explosive materials and work in environments with combustible dust. Explosion-proof electric valves are crucial for controlling the flow of materials and ensuring safe ventilation, reducing the risk of dust explosions.

Pharmaceuticals and Food Processing

Both the pharmaceutical and food processing industries require strict safety standards to prevent contamination and ensure the safety of their products. Explosion-proof electric valves play a critical role in maintaining these standards by controlling processes involving potentially explosive ingredients.

Water Treatment Plants

Water treatment processes often involve chemicals that can be hazardous in certain conditions. Explosion-proof electric valves ensure safe handling and precise control of these chemicals, making them essential for efficient and safe water treatment operations.

Future Trends in Explosion-Proof Electric Valves

Integration with Smart Technologies

The integration of smart technologies into explosion-proof electric valves is set to revolutionize their functionality. Smart valves equipped with IoT sensors and connectivity will offer enhanced monitoring and predictive maintenance capabilities, further improving safety and efficiency.

Increased Automation

Automation in industrial processes is on the rise, and explosion-proof electric valves are no exception. Advances in automation technology will enable these valves to operate more autonomously, reducing the need for manual intervention and increasing overall operational efficiency.

Enhanced Materials and Construction Techniques

The development of new materials and construction techniques will continue to enhance the durability and performance of explosion-proof electric valves. Innovations in material science will lead to valves that can withstand even more extreme conditions, further reducing the risk of failure and enhancing safety.

Global Expansion and Standardization

As industries worldwide recognize the importance of explosion-proof electric valves, there will be a push towards global standardization. Harmonizing standards across different regions will ensure consistent safety and performance levels, facilitating international trade and cooperation.


Explosion-proof electric valves are at the forefront of industrial safety and efficiency, playing a critical role in hazardous environments across various sectors. Their robust design, compliance with safety regulations, and ability to enhance operational efficiency make them indispensable in modern industry. As technology advances, these valves will continue to evolve, integrating smart features and improved materials to meet the growing demands of industrial safety and performance. Investing in explosion-proof electric valves is not just a compliance measure but a strategic move towards ensuring long-term operational success and safety.

なぜますます多くの国際バルブブランドが OEM サービスに DELCO を選択するのでしょうか?

2011 年に設立された DELCO は、産業分野の世界的リーダーです。当社の主な製品には、電動アクチュエータ バルブ、空気圧アクチュエータ バルブ、オートメーション アクチュエータ、ソレノイド バルブなどがあります。当社は 20 年近くにわたり、自社製品、エンジニアリングの専門知識、産業オートメーション ソリューションを活用して、食品、飲料、化学、水処理、製薬、天然ガス、石油、HVAC プロジェクトなど、お客様の無数の産業プロジェクトの問題を解決してきました。現在、当社は世界中に 5 つの子会社と 50 を超える販売代理店を持ち、迅速な対応サービスを提供しています。
DELCO のすべての製品は、イタリアとドイツの技術を駆使して、高度なスキルと経験を持つエンジニアが主導する 100% 社内設計、エンジニアリング、製造プロセスを経て、高品質、安全、信頼性、コストパフォーマンスに優れたバルブ、アクチュエータ、ソリューションを製造しています。製造基準は、長年にわたって取得した認証によって実証されています。
また、ISO 9001:2015 品質管理システム認証のほか、SGS、RoHS、CNEX、TUV、CE、FDA など、数多くの認証も取得しています。これらの認証は、DELCO が製品の製造において世界最高の品質と安全基準に準拠していることを証明しています。


バルブについてご質問がある場合、または見積もりをご希望の場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。6 時間以内に返信いたします。電話 +86 159 8960 2972、WhatsApp +86 159 8960 2972、またはメール [email protected] までご連絡ください。
DELCO は、その品質、競争力のある価格、優れたサービスにより、お客様のビジネスの成長を支援する最高のバルブ パートナーとなっています。バルブをカスタマイズできます。最小注文数はありません。

DELCO では、顧客満足の重要性を理解し、すべてのクライアントの独自のニーズを満たすよう努めています。信頼できるコントロール バルブ サプライヤーとして、当社は優れた顧客サービスと高品質の製品を提供し、最適なパフォーマンスと長寿命を確保することに尽力しています。信頼できるコントロール バルブ サプライヤーとして DELCO を選択すると、要件に合わせて特別に設計されたカスタマイズされたバルブ アセンブリのメリットが得られ、効率が向上し、ダウンタイムが短縮されます。

さらに、当社の電子圧力調整器は価格競争力があるため、一流のソリューションを提供できます。大手コントロールバルブメーカーの 1 つとして、当社は業界標準を満たすだけでなく、お客様のビジネス全体の収益性にも貢献する信頼性の高いバルブをお届けすることに誇りを持っています。DELCO と提携することで、会社の長期的な成功のために賢明な選択をしているという安心感を得ることができます。
