技術理論: 技術的…実践的…興味深い自動化産業ソリューション

delco valve

DELCO では、顧客満足の重要性を理解し、すべてのクライアントの独自のニーズを満たすよう努めています。信頼できるバルブ サプライヤーとして、当社は優れた顧客サービスと高品質の製品を提供し、最適なパフォーマンスと長寿命を確保することに尽力しています。信頼できる制御空気サプライヤーとして DELCO を選択すると、要件に合わせて特別に設計されたカスタマイズされたバルブ アセンブリのメリットが得られ、効率が向上し、ダウンタイムが短縮されます。


Pneumatic control valve compressed air as a power source, cylinder as an actuator, and with the help of electrical valve positioners, converters, solenoid valves, holding valves and other accessories to drive the valve, to achieve switching or proportional adjustment, receiving industrial automation control system control signals to complete the adjustment of pipeline media: flow, pressure, temperature and other process parameters.

Pneumatic Control Valve

Pneumatic control valve structure of the main components

  • Valve body: the valve body is the main part of the pneumatic control valve, usually made of cast iron, carbon steel or stainless steel and other materials. The valve body is equipped with inlet and outlet channels to control the flow of fluid.
  • Spool: spool is a pneumatic control valve to control fluid flow and pressure of the components, usually made of stainless steel or copper. The structure of the spool has a straight-through and right-angle type two kinds, straight-through type is suitable for large flow occasions, and right-angle type is suitable for small flow occasions.
  • Pneumatic actuator: Pneumatic actuator is the key component in pneumatic adjustment valve, it controls the opening and closing of spool by receiving gas signal. Pneumatic actuator usually consists of a cylinder and a piston. When the pneumatic actuator receives a gas signal, the piston in the cylinder will be subject to the action of air pressure, thus changing the position of the spool to achieve the purpose of controlling the flow and pressure of the fluid.
  • Piping: Piping is the component that connects the pneumatic control valve with the fluid system, usually made of steel or stainless steel pipe. The role of piping is to guide the fluid from the inlet to the valve body, and then from the valve body to guide out.

Pneumatic control valve features

  • Simple control: The control method of pneumatic control valve is simple and direct, easy to operate and manage.
  • Fast Response: Its extremely fast response time enables it to respond quickly to control signals and realize precise flow, pressure or temperature adjustment. Intrinsically Safe: Due to their design principle and working mechanism, pneumatic control valves are inherently intrinsically safe and require no additional explosion-proof measures.
  • High Reliability: In general, pneumatically operated control valves have high reliability and stability, and are suitable for control needs in various industrial environments.
  • Energy saving and environmental protection: To a certain extent, the operation of the pneumatic control valve can realize the effective use of energy, which is conducive to energy saving and emission reduction.

Pneumatic control valve applications

  • Steam control: Used in steam pipelines to regulate the flow and pressure of steam as needed to achieve temperature control of the heating system.
  • Petrochemical industry: Used in oil and gas processing, according to the need to control the flow and pressure of the fluid, so as to realize the control of the petrochemical production process.
  • Chemical industry: Used in various chemical reactions, according to the need to control the flow and pressure of the reactants, so as to realize the control of chemical reactions.
  • Food industry: Used in various food production processes to control the flow and pressure of various fluids, thus realizing the control of the food production process.


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DELCO は、その品質、競争力のある価格、優れたサービスにより、お客様のビジネスの成長を支援する最高のバルブ パートナーとなっています。バルブをカスタマイズできます。最小注文数はありません。

DELCO では、顧客満足の重要性を理解し、すべてのクライアントの独自のニーズを満たすよう努めています。信頼できるコントロール バルブ サプライヤーとして、当社は優れた顧客サービスと高品質の製品を提供し、最適なパフォーマンスと長寿命を確保することに尽力しています。信頼できるコントロール バルブ サプライヤーとして DELCO を選択すると、要件に合わせて特別に設計されたカスタマイズされたバルブ アセンブリのメリットが得られ、効率が向上し、ダウンタイムが短縮されます。

さらに、当社の電子圧力調整器は価格競争力があるため、一流のソリューションを提供できます。大手コントロールバルブメーカーの 1 つとして、当社は業界標準を満たすだけでなく、お客様のビジネス全体の収益性にも貢献する信頼性の高いバルブをお届けすることに誇りを持っています。DELCO と提携することで、会社の長期的な成功のために賢明な選択をしているという安心感を得ることができます。
