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  5. DELCO Motorventile Elektrische Flanschplattenschieber

DELCO Motorventile Elektrische Flanschplattenschieber

The valve body of the electric knife gate valve adopts an integral design, with low fluid resistance and flexible and convenient operation. The screw drive of the valve adopts a double-plane bearing design, which greatly reduces the transmission friction and facilitates the opening and closing of the valve.
Motorized/Electric knife gate valves represent a pinnacle of innovation in fluid control technology, offering precise and reliable operation in a wide range of industrial applications. These valves are specifically designed to handle challenging fluids, slurries, and solids, making them indispensable in sectors such as mining, wastewater treatment, pulp and paper, and chemical processing.
In modern industrial processes, electric knife gate valves play a crucial role in optimizing process performance, enhancing productivity, and ensuring operational safety. Their ability to provide precise control, reliable operation, and remote control capability makes them indispensable in fluid handling systems across various industries.

Modell: Electric knife gate valves

Größenbereich: 2” to 20”

Druckbereich: 1,0 MPa bis 1,6 MPa

Material: Stainless Steel 304/316 , Cast Iron


Electric knife gate valves feature a robust and compact design optimized for efficient fluid control. The valve body typically consists of corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel or cast iron, ensuring durability and longevity in harsh operating environments. Within the valve body, a sharp-edged gate or blade is actuated by an electric motor, which allows for precise control of the flow path.

The electric actuator is the heart of the electric knife gate valve, providing the motive force to open and close the valve gate. It is powered by electricity and controlled by a programmable logic controller (PLC), a distributed control system (DCS), or other automation systems. Electric actuation offers several advantages, including precise positioning, remote control capability, and integration with advanced control strategies.

In conclusion, electric knife gate valves represent a cornerstone of fluid control technology, offering unmatched precision, reliability, and versatility in industrial applications. Their innovative design, electric actuation, and numerous advantages make them an indispensable component in fluid handling systems, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency in diverse industrial processes.

Electric Actuator

Electric Knife Gate Valve is a unidirectional wafer knife edge gate valve used on industrial pipeline for on-off operation.
The structure of body and seat eliminates clogging shutoff for flow with fine particles. Additionally, beveled knife edge helps the gate cut through thick media easily. According to different working situation: non-rising stem knife gate valve, wafer knife gate valve, lugged knife gate valve, pneumatic knife gate valve, electric knife gate valve, manual knife gate valve and bevel gear knife gate valve are all available.

Electric Knife Gate Valvetechnical Parameter

NenngrößeDN50-DN500DichtungsmaterialPTFE, NBR, EPDM,VITON
EndverbindungFlanschSchaftmaterialCast iron, WCB
Betriebsdruck1.0 / 1.6  MPaAnwendbare MedienWasser, Luft, Gas, Öl, Flüssigkeit
StrukturMittellinienstruktur/A-TypAusführungsnormANSI, JIS, DIN, BS, GB

Merkmale von Messerschiebern

Precision Control: Electric knife gate valves provide precise control over fluid flow rates, allowing for accurate modulation and regulation of process parameters.

Zuverlässiger Betrieb: With electric actuation, these valves offer consistent and repeatable performance, minimizing the risk of manual errors and ensuring reliable operation over extended periods.

Fernbedienungsfunktion: Electric knife gate valves can be remotely operated and integrated into automated control systems, allowing for seamless integration into modern industrial processes.

Geringer Wartungsaufwand: Compared to manual or pneumatic valves, electric knife gate valves require minimal maintenance, resulting in reduced downtime and increased operational efficiency.

Industries and Applications of Knife Gate Valves

Mining: These valves are used in mining operations to control the flow of slurry, tailings, and process water, facilitating efficient extraction, processing, and transportation of minerals.

Wastewater Treatment: In wastewater treatment plants, electric knife gate valves regulate the flow of sludge, chemicals, and wastewater, enabling effective purification and dewatering processes.

Pulp and Paper: Used in pulp and paper mills, these valves control the flow of pulp, chemicals, and wastewater, contributing to efficient paper production and wastewater management.

Chemische Verarbeitung: Electric knife gate valves are employed in chemical manufacturing plants to regulate the flow of corrosive chemicals, solvents, and abrasive slurries, ensuring safe and efficient production processes.

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