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  5. Manual Stainless Steel 3PC Full Port Female Thread Ball Valve

Manual Stainless Steel 3PC Full Port Female Thread Ball Valve

Manual Stainless Steel 3PC Full Port Female Thread Ball Valve features a simple, compact and reliable design. It consists of a main valve body and two sub-bodies which are bolted together to form a single unit. This configuration allows for easy assembly and disassembly for convenient maintenance. The full bore design ensures minimal fluid resistance, comparable to a pipe of the same length, and prevents corrosion of the valve sealing surface. Equipped with PTFE seats and seals, it can withstand working pressures up to 1000 PSI.

These threaded end valves meet international standards and are suitable for low pressure piping systems, providing tight seals and reliable performance over many years of heavy use. Their excellent corrosion resistance makes them suitable for a wide range of applications including water, oil, gas, light alkali and acid, biodiesel, fuel, and alcohol.

Model: Manual Thread Ball Valve
Größenbereich: 1/4″ bis 4″
Pressure Range: 10bar, 16bar
Material: Edelstahl 304 oder Edelstahl 316



  • Compact structure:                                                                                                          The structure consists of one main valve body and two sub-bodies, which are bolted together to form a single unit, making it easy to install, disassemble and maintain, and adapting to a wide range of space constraints and complex environments.
  • Full bore design:                                                                                                              The full bore ball valve design ensures an unobstructed flow of fluid, reducing fluid resistance and increasing system efficiency for a wide range of pipework systems.
  • Easy to operate:                                                                                                        Quarter-turn operation can be accomplished with a 90-degree turn, and opening and closing from fully open to fully closed is extremely fast, making it easy to control and operate remotely.
  • Corrosion resistance :                                                                                                   AdopteS high quality stainless steel and PTFE seals with excellent corrosion resistance and tight sealing. Suitable for a wide range of media, such as water, oil, gas/air, light alkalis, acids, biodiesel, fuels and alcohols.
  •  Multiple Applications :                                                                                               THE Provides reliable fluid control and sealing performance in a wide range of applications including water treatment, food and beverage, shipbuilding, boiler systems, oil and gas, gas industry and vacuum systems.
Solenoid Valves

Technische Parameter

Anschlussgröße:  1/4″ bis 4″ Material: Stainless Steel 304 or Stainless Steel 316
Druckbereich: 10bar, 16bar Leistung: Handhaben
Garantie: 12 Motten Temperature Range: -29~180℃
Connection: Innengewinde Geeignete Medien Water, Oil, Gas, Nitric Acid, Acetic Acid, etc


The manual 3-piece stainless steel threaded ball valve is essential in water treatment systems. Its corrosion resistance and tight sealing ensure efficient and reliable operation. The full bore design allows smooth fluid passage, reducing resistance and improving system efficiency.
Nahrungsmittel und Getränke
In the food and beverage industry, this valve provides excellent corrosion protection and safety with its stainless steel construction and PTFE seals. It meets high hygiene standards, ensuring product quality and safety.
Boiler Systems
Used for fluid control in boiler systems, these valves are able to withstand high temperatures and pressures, ensuring safe operation of the system and preventing leaks and accidents.
Öl und Gas
This valve plays an important role in the extraction, processing and transmission of oil and gas. It can withstand high-pressure environments and provide a reliable seal to prevent leakage and ensure safe operation.
Gas Industry
In the process of gas transmission, the valve provides reliable sealing and flow control due to its compact structure and easy operation, and can adapt to various working pressure and temperature conditions to ensure stable operation of the system.
Vacuum System
The manual 3-piece stainless steel threaded ball valve is also suitable for vacuum systems, providing good sealing performance to ensure the vacuum level of the system and improve working efficiency.

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